Gender Equality and Safety

Right to Protection provides comprehensive assistance to survivors of gender-based violence, including domestic violence.

The team works for hromadas, collective centres, schools, social services, and other organisations involved in combating and preventing violence.

Within the Gender Equality and Safety programme, experts implement activities aimed at raising awareness, preventing violence, and supporting survivors, particularly:

  • conduct educational activities on gender equality and security, combating and preventing GBV for the population;
  • organise Gender-Based Violence: How to Respond and Counteract trainings;
  • increase the capacity of representatives of local governments responsible for organising GBV response and social service providers to survivors of violence to implement the protection system for those affected;
  • support Safe Spaces for Women and Girls with material supplies, professional and expert assistance;
  • implement information campaigns and social events aimed at combating and preventing violence, promoting gender equality and safety culture;
  • research the causes and consequences of various manifestations of violence.

Free of Charge Assistance from R2P

Social Assistance

The Fund provides the following services to survivors of violence:

  • assistance in meeting urgent basic needs (safe place, food, medical care, clothing, etc.);
  • accompanying survivors and facilitating their placement in a shelter or crisis room;
  • facilitating access to healthcare services;
  • assistance with the paperwork;
  • developing an individual plan to overcome a difficult life situation;
  • informing about the right to social, psychological, and legal services;
  • ensuring interaction with other specialists and services to resolve the crisis;
  • providing contacts to services and agencies that help survivors of violence;
  • if necessary and with informed consent, referral to other services or organisations.

To submit a request for free social assistance, please fill out the online form

Psychological Assistance

☎️ (093) 700 22 20

Appointment for a consultation by phone is available from Monday to Friday ⏰ from 9.00 to 18.00

To make an appointment for a free consultation for psychological assistance, please fill out the online form

Legal Aid

The Fund's lawyers and advocates advise survivors of gender-based and/or domestic violence on:

  • reporting to the police;
  • documenting the offence;
  • collecting evidence;
  • bringing the perpetrator to justice;
  • measures to counteract violence (issuance of an urgent order by the police, a restraining order by a court, registration of the perpetrator with the police for preventive measures);
  • powers of state bodies and institutions that provide social, psychological and legal services to survivors;
  • other issues necessary for protection.

For legal advice, please call R2P's free legal aid line or send an e-mail: [email protected]

☎️ (099) (068) (093) 507 50 90

Opening hours: Monday to Friday ⏰ from 8.00 to 21.00


We guarantee the confidentiality of each appeal!
Together, we can end violence!

The latest News on Gender Equality and Safety: