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Every donation is significant to us. It enables us to plan and provide vital assistance to people from Ukraine who are currently in Poland due to the war.
With the generous support of donors and partners, we can operate efficiently and continuously and offer free services to those in need.
Donations made to the organisation are tax-deductible.
Recurring support is essential to us. Even small amounts paid regularly allow us to work steadily and plan long-term assistance for people with refugee experience.
You can make a bank transfer to one of the following bank accounts.
Payee Address: ul.Skierniewicka 10A, 01-230 Warsaw
Bank Country: Poland
Bank Name: Santander Bank Polska S.A.
Bank Account (PLN) PL 93 1090 2851 0000 0001 5402 1245
Please specify in the money transfer: darowizna
Donations made to the organisation are tax-deductible. You can benefit from the tax deduction if you donate for the purposes specified in the Law on Public Benefit and Volunteering (USTAWA O DZIAŁALNOŚCI POŻYTKU PUBLICZNEGO I O WOLONTARIACIE). Find more details on the website: https://www.biznes.gov.pl/pl/portal/00251
If you have a PayPal account, you can make a donation in a couple of clicks!