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R2P advocates for ensuring:
R2P constantly communicates with the state authorities of Ukraine, such as the State Migration Service, the State Border Guard Service, the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights and others, on the observance of the rights of asylum seekers and refugees.
Our lawyers develop solutions to improve international protection legislation and enforcement in Ukraine and respond to possible violations by state authorities.
To improve the situation of refugees eligible for temporary protection abroad after 24 February 2022, the Foundation cooperates with the authorities of EU member states, the Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs (DG HOME) and UNHCR.
R2P also uses international advocacy tools to increase the issues' visibility and influence the Ukrainian government more effectively. These include communication with the Council of Ministers of the Council of Europe, UN, and EU institutions.
In addition, the R2P cooperates with other Ukrainian and foreign NGOs in migration.