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August 2, 2021
Right to Protection (R2P) is a Ukrainian not-for profit organization. R2P is dedicated to protecting refugees who find themselves in Ukraine due to dire circumstances. R2P ensures the protection and human rights of other vulnerable migrants - the conflict affected, the internally displaced (IDPs), the stateless, the undocumented and those at risk of statelessness. R2P's key programmatic strengths are legal assistance, monitoring, advocacy as well as government and civil society capacity building. R2P has approximately 150 staff members working across Ukraine.
R2P takes part in a project ”Reducing Disaster Risk Vulnerability in Eastern Ukraine – Phase II” implemented by a Consortium led by ACTED with participation of IMPACT Initiatives and the Red Cross Movement (through the Danish Red Cross) and funded by the European Commission’s DG-ECHO, USAID’s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA), FCDO, as well as by other donors.
This Project aims to reduce vulnerability to industrial/ecological risks (including exacerbated by the conflict) and enhance health response capacity in conflict-affected Eastern Ukraine. More specifically, the Project seeks to improve understanding of and promote measures towards increasing preparedness for industrial/ecological risks through area-based local planning and capacity-enhancing support on risk management through a range of activities, including the following (this list is not exhausted):
a) desk/field research of the strategic framework and documents available at national, regional and local levels to support hromadas along the contact line in taking on new responsibilities, incl. in disaster risk management (DRM), under decentralization reform;
b) development of recommendations for legislative/policy amendments (targeting national/regional authorities; international actors);
c) advocacy for the implementation of existing norms/laws and priorities and investments identified in local plans;
d) increased community and household awareness of risks and basic preparedness measures, etc.
R2P will lead two activities’ clusters: 1) analytical component (desk/field researches of legal and policy framework in the field of DRR), and 2) advocacy component (promotion of recommendations on improvement of legal and policy framework).
The Project will be implemented in the territories of Donetsk Oblast (Bakhmutsky, Pokrovsky, Volnovasky raions) and Luhansk Oblast (Sievierodetsky and Shchastinsky raions).
Conduction of desk/field study of strategic documents at national, regional and local levels against DRR aspects in the context of decentralization.
Analytical Assistant will support Legal Analyst in implementation of a study/audit focused on the strategic framework and documents available at national, regional and local levels (incl. regulations, strategies, programs, action plans etc.) to support frontline hromadas in taking on new responsibilities, incl. in Disaster Risk Management, under decentralization reform.
Ukrainian authorities at all levels (especially at sub-national) face the necessity to change strategic documents permanently (or develop them anew) due to the ongoing decentralization process. The changing of raions’ borders and management, amalgamation of hromadas, and disestablishment of local councils (e.g. «mergers and acquisitions» in the local self-governance sector) result in a total restructuring of the Disaster Risk Reduction planning framework, and often the need to create such a framework from scratch. Therefore, such a survey is required to serve as a DRR “quality check” review for this process. In addition, despite the fact that decentralization reform has been implemented in Ukraine since 2014, it is not the case for Donbass – due to the conflict, eastern Ukraine has been away from decentralization process for years. Now the situation is changing, and these changes affect the two eastern oblasts. As such, the timing is advantageous to integrate a risk-oriented approach into the DRR planning framework in Eastern Ukraine at regional and sub-regional level. R2P’s research will support hromadas along the contact line in the context of their new disaster risk management and response powers/obligations, resulting in better understanding of hromada responsibilities that will enable them to manage risks and thus reduce the humanitarian impact.
Research Methodology
The research methodology should be developed based on Sendai Framework priorities and will take into consideration the outcomes of the current 3P ECHO award. Special attention will be paid to linkages between different sectoral documents, as well as application of risk-oriented approach at all levels. Findings of the study will be shared to Consortium partners and members during the Multi-stakeholder DDR Platform meetings and will be linked to the activities implemented by ACTED and Red Cross (i.e. community-based DRM methodologies) whenever possible throughout the project implementation. Recommendations on how to improve programs and strategies for different sectors (specifically targeting the healthcare sector) should be elaborated. Proposals and suggestions regarding operationalization of action plans for these strategies and programs will be developed to ensure they both reflect and use DRR language/methodologies. During the studies, and to support local community resilience, attention may also be paid to inclusion of Family Emergency Plans (developed by Red Cross) into school programs and curricula and recommendations for local/raion authorities on the procedure of such inclusion may be elaborated (e.g. how this innovation might be formalised and implemented in educational process at schools). Similar recommendations might also be developed on the inclusion of Community Emergency Plans’ methodologies (developed by Red Cross) into Civil Protection strategic framework at raion/ local level.
The Analytical Assistant as a member of the Project Team will be reported to the Project Manager and work in close cooperation with Legal Analyst and other project analytical staff, as well as with R2P Advocacy Unit.
R2P will offer the successful applicant:
Send a resume to [email protected] with the title ‘Analytical Assistant’. Responses will be sent only to those individuals who were selected for the interview. No phone calls, please.