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January 30, 2024
Right to Protection presents the Employment Needs and Opportunities study. Households and entrepreneurs in 14 oblasts of Ukraine and the city of Kyiv were surveyed.
A total of 2,436 people (911 households) were asked about their desired salary, experience in job search, training needs, and use of the Ukrainian language.
Among the total household members, 1,367 (56%) were able-bodied, and 604 (25%) were employed during the survey.
Among the unemployed, 71% of respondents are in great need of employment. Instead, 42% of employed people are dissatisfied with or want to change their current job.
Among the reasons for not working, the most commonly cited were a lack of vacancies with decent salaries (27%) and/or in their speciality (26%) and the inability to find a job due to childcare (26%).
The most frequently mentioned difficulties in finding a job were the lack of vacancies in the labour market in general and in their field of work, as well as low salaries.
Valeriia Sekisova, programme coordinator of R2P.
"The ability to provide for oneself and one's family significantly impacts the decision of Ukrainians to stay in the country or seek asylum abroad. Therefore, creating employment opportunities for people who have lost their jobs due to displacement is extremely important. The study results demonstrate that a comprehensive approach to solving this problem should include retraining, creating social infrastructure to enable mothers with children to work, and helping them integrate into the community of host communities. An interesting fact is that, according to the study, the private sector is ready to get involved in retraining job seekers based on their enterprises. This approach can be one of the most effective, as it is based on the interest of both parties, practical training in the profession and simultaneous integration into the team"
26% of respondents expressed the need for additional professional training. The overwhelming majority want to be trained in the service sector (20%), finance (17%) and other areas (23%).
We also interviewed 116 entrepreneurs. They answered questions about the need for new employees, the salary level, the opportunities for training employees, and additional support for such training. Entrepreneurs from the service and trade sectors offered almost 2⁄3 of all vacancies. Read more in the study.
Employment Needs and Opportunities
The survey results highlighted the key challenges that hinder the effective use of human potential and meet the vital needs of IDPs and other categories of people who have lost their jobs due to the war.