R2P Held a Three-Day Networking Event for Civil Society Organisations, EMPOWER: Partnership for Development Reboot Camp

December 24, 2024

33 civil society organisations from six regions of Ukraine continue their development with us!

Right to Protection held a three-day networking event for civil society organisations, the EMPOWER: Partnership for Development Reboot camp. It is a part of the Fund's Capacity Building for Local Organisations programme.

The event was full of practical workshops.

On the first day, the participants learnt how to create high-quality photos and videos on their phones to improve their organisations' social media coverage. With the help of a specialist, they tried their hand at being photographers and put their newly acquired skills into practice.

With the experts, CSO representatives also deepened their knowledge of the strategic development of organisations. The experts spoke about the key aspects of strategy development, team building, and risk management.

The second day of the event began with the Why Is It Important to Care About Developing the Organisational Capacity of Your Organisation discussion panel, during which participants could ask questions to Nadiya Kovalchuk, Programme Director of R2P, Viktoriia Vasylenko, Deputy Project Manager of the EMPOWER Project, GIZ, and Nataliya Gourjii, Head of the Board of the Rockada CF.

In particular, one of the questions concerned planning the organisation's activities for the long term.

Nadiya Kovalchuk, Programme Director of R2P

This is a complex issue because the context can change. It means we have to do scenario planning and be flexible. If the situation is the same now, we move according to one scenario. If the situation changes, we move in a different direction.

On this day, participants also had mentoring sessions on organisational development with experts from R2P and Rokada.

The third day focused on employee support and the prevention of professional burnout, which is highly relevant in times of war.

Olena Herus, Head of Capacity Building for Local Organisations programme of R2P

Such events help us find new ideas for development and understand how to implement them. During these three days, we were able to build a space for establishing partnerships and sharing knowledge and experience.

The project is implemented within the framework of the EMPOWER project, funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) in cooperation with the European Union and implemented by GIZ Ukraine.