Over UAH 5 million for business development! The grant competition within the Right to Business: A Course for Entrepreneurs training programme in Kharkiv is over

November 4, 2024

Our team received 56 applications from the course participants. Out of these, 45 business projects were selected and received over UAH 5 million 54 thousand funding.

The grants were distributed among current and future entrepreneurs of Kharkivska oblast. The winners include a family bakery, a dental clinic, a clothing production facility, a development centre for children with disabilities, a cosmetics store for women, a family apiary, a children's carnival costume production facility, a food production facility, a vehicle repair service centre, a driving school, etc.

The grants will mainly be used for the purchase of equipment and raw materials, as well as for marketing services, as many of them plan to move from online to offline business and open spaces with their services/products in Kharkiv or the oblast. The term of implementation of the grant funds is two months, which includes purchasing the necessary equipment, materials, services, and reporting.

Selection process:

  • Participants submitted business plans describing their projects according to the CANVAS model and a financial model indicating the break-even point.
  • The documents were evaluated by a competition committee consisting of specialists from Right to Protection, business coaches, and financiers.
  • The participants presented their business projects during the event, where they were evaluated by the regional coordinator, project grant manager, programme coordinator, chief lawyer of the regional office, and project manager.

Evaluation criteria:

  • quality of completed documents;
  • identification of the target audience;
  • analysis of the competitive environment;
  • clarity of the product/service;
  • description of the necessary resources and sales channels;
  • social impact;
  • business adaptability;
  • understanding of fixed and variable costs;
  • formation of a price offer;
  • business adaptability to military threats;
  • plans for business development and scaling.

Thank you all for your participation! We wish you success in implementing your business projects! 

ℹ️ The project is implemented by Right to Protection with the support of Switzerland through the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) within the Economic Resilience Programme for Ukraine (ERP) framework. The ERP is implemented by the ERP consortium, which includes Mercy Corps, Right to Protection, Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation, and JERU (Joint Emergency Response in Ukraine of Welthungerhilfe and Concern Worldwide).