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November 1, 2022
Last week turned out to be busy for our organization for international work meetings. Yes, our advocacy coordinator Tetiana Luzan visited Washington. There, she took part in a gathering of employees on issues of international policy, advocacy, communications, and the involvement of the Jewish community, organized by the foundation's long-standing partners, which started the existence of the BF "Right to Protection" in Ukraine - HIAS.
Tetyana Luzan met with representatives of civil society in the USA, and also talked with representatives of congressmen's offices specializing in issues related to Ukraine. She talked about the work of the fund in the conditions of a full-scale invasion, the directions of our activities and the main problems that our colleagues are working on solving within the framework of the projects implemented by the fund.
I drew attention to the issue of housing for immigrants. Thus, in September, the government of Ukraine approved a special simplified procedure for providing housing for temporary use to displaced persons and persons whose housing was destroyed using the funds of humanitarian and other aid.
"Ukrainian legislation provides for the possibility of providing IDPs with temporary housing for a period of up to one year, with the possibility of further extension. Such housing is provided at the expense of special housing funds created for these purposes by local self-government bodies. However, in the absence of such premises, as well as financial resources for their construction, reconstruction or acquisition, which may be necessary for the formation of such funds, local authorities may not be able to provide IDPs with temporary housing. As an option, it can be financed by international donors", - noted Tetiana Luzan.
The meetings also discussed the issue of providing psychological assistance to Ukrainians and the need for psychosocial support. Currently, such support is often provided by humanitarian organizations, where there are experts who specialize in psychological trauma caused, for example, by military conflicts. However, their number is not sufficient to provide assistance to all who need it.
We are glad that we were able to talk about the problems of Ukrainians at such a high level. We are sure, that this will speed up the resolution of certain issues and help us to help people even more!
Thank you to HIAS for the invitation and high evaluation of our work.